When I read the fourth book in this series a couple of weeks ago, I realised, as I said, that I hadn't read the third one. I had it on my shelves but hadn't got around to it. I really like the series, so I wanted to complete it. I had picked up two other books but couldn't get into them, for one reason or another. I will definitely come back to them both - one of them is March's book club book so I'll have to read it if I want to attend the meeting, and the other was Call Down the Hawk which I obviously want to read because I love the Raven Cycle! I'm thinking actually that I might take that on holiday at the end of April so that I've got time to properly concentrate on it.
So anyway, I went back to the DC Connie Childs books because I knew it would be pretty easy reading and I was having a busy couple of weeks and needed something I didn't need to put much effort into. Crime novels are perfect for that for me. And indeed, I read this really fast, hardly able to put it down.
I will say that I think it's the worst of the four books so far. I can't really say why, but it felt incomplete to me at the end. However, I still really liked it, so it's not like it's a terrible book.
Sadler is called to a house fire in the early hours of a summer morning. The house is owned by Peter Winson, his much younger wife Francesca, and their son Charlie. All three die in the blaze. Sadler and Connie are shocked to find Francesca's body hanging from a fixture on the landing. Usually in cases like this, the man of the family kills the others and then himself, but here all signs point to Francesca having killed her husband and son before taking her own life.
Peter has two children, George and Julia, from his first marriage, who are now nearing fifty. The two of them react strangely to the news that their dad, stepmother, and half-brother are all dead. However, it transpires that their mother, Elizabeth, went missing in 1980 when they were children, and was never found.
Julia harbours some hope that her mother is still alive and spends time on internet forums posting messages for her mum. She works in a local cavern and lives alone with her dog Bosco. As the police investigation goes on, Julia becomes certain that someone is following her and standing outside her house. There's quite a lot of red herrings, some of which just went nowhere and which annoyed me, but one of which turns up a nice friendship that I enjoyed throughout the book.
Meanwhile, Connie refuses to accept the official versions of events and is convinced that the truth about Peter, Francesca, and Charlie's deaths are caught up in what happened in 1980. She starts digging into the past, against Sadler's instructions.
I did enjoy the mystery but as I say, it felt incomplete to me at the end. I didn't feel there was enough Sadler in this book, I would've liked more. However, I'm giving this three and a half out of five.
A Patient Fury by Sarah Ward - Review
Friday, February 28, 2020
crime fiction,
sarah ward,
Shut Down Strangers and Hot Rod Angels (Anthology) - Review
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
As with all anthologies, there's some pieces I connected to a lot more than others. I especially liked the life writing, where people wrote about their own lives and experiences. I really liked the pieces set in New Jersey seaside towns with delapidated boardwalks and faded glamour. I think this is a really accomplished collection of works, and I'm really happy to have read it. I'm giving it four out of five, and I love love love the cover!
Shut Down Strangers & Hot Rod Angels is available to buy here. I am just sharing this link, it's not an affiliate link or anthing!
life writing,
short stories
The Shrouded Path by Sarah Ward - Review
Saturday, February 22, 2020
I've read the first two of the Connie Childs books by Sarah Ward and really enjoyed them. You can find my reviews here for In Bitter Chill and here for A Deadly Thaw. I bought the third book - A Patient Fury - but hadn't got round to reading it. In fact, I'd forgotten about it. Then I spotted this in the library when I was there for my craft club at the beginning of February and decided to get it out. Reading these books out of order isn't a problem because they stand alone. There are a couple of mentions to the previous book, but nothing spoilerish. Something in that book has made Palmer leave though, which I'm glad about because he annoyed me. Instead, Connie and Sadler are joined by a new detective, Dahl.
At the beginning of the book, Sadler is on holiday, on a staycation at home. In his absence, Matthews is keeping things ticking over. She wants Connie to go over an unexplained death just to make sure there was nothing suspicious about it. Nell Conley was found dead on her sofa by her neighbour. When Connie digs deeper, she thinks there's a link to a previous unexplained death, that of Ingrid Neale, who was found on her sofa by her sister. Connie and newcomer Dahl start to investigate, including the women's doctor in their investigations.
Sadler's neighbour wants to speak to him because Nell Conley mentioned to a lawyer that she was thinking of writing a memoir. It seems like this has made someone in the vicinity get very anxious about something that happened back in the 1950s up in a disused railway tunnel known as the Cutting.
Meanwhile, Mina, a woman who works as a gardener around the town of Bampton, is visiting her elderly mother, who is dying of cancer in hospital. Hilary, when unsettled and on a lot of pain medication, mentions seeing "Valerie", and mentions killing her. Mina promises her mum that she'll find out what happened to Valerie.
I liked this book a lot, I thought it was better than the last one I read. The atmosphere of a damp, wintry Derbyshire is done really well. The High Peaks are somewhere I know well, living not too far away in Barnsley, and I love the air of menace the area has in these books. I liked Mina better than I've liked the female protagonists in the previous two books. I really liked her life and her mother and how she was trying to unravel the mystery.
I did feel like the denoument was a little bit lacking. I would like more showing of the police talking to the culprit to try to understand them a little bit better, but that's honestly the only thing I didn't like about the book. I'm giving it four out of five!
At the beginning of the book, Sadler is on holiday, on a staycation at home. In his absence, Matthews is keeping things ticking over. She wants Connie to go over an unexplained death just to make sure there was nothing suspicious about it. Nell Conley was found dead on her sofa by her neighbour. When Connie digs deeper, she thinks there's a link to a previous unexplained death, that of Ingrid Neale, who was found on her sofa by her sister. Connie and newcomer Dahl start to investigate, including the women's doctor in their investigations.
Sadler's neighbour wants to speak to him because Nell Conley mentioned to a lawyer that she was thinking of writing a memoir. It seems like this has made someone in the vicinity get very anxious about something that happened back in the 1950s up in a disused railway tunnel known as the Cutting.
Meanwhile, Mina, a woman who works as a gardener around the town of Bampton, is visiting her elderly mother, who is dying of cancer in hospital. Hilary, when unsettled and on a lot of pain medication, mentions seeing "Valerie", and mentions killing her. Mina promises her mum that she'll find out what happened to Valerie.
I liked this book a lot, I thought it was better than the last one I read. The atmosphere of a damp, wintry Derbyshire is done really well. The High Peaks are somewhere I know well, living not too far away in Barnsley, and I love the air of menace the area has in these books. I liked Mina better than I've liked the female protagonists in the previous two books. I really liked her life and her mother and how she was trying to unravel the mystery.
I did feel like the denoument was a little bit lacking. I would like more showing of the police talking to the culprit to try to understand them a little bit better, but that's honestly the only thing I didn't like about the book. I'm giving it four out of five!
crime fiction,
sarah ward,
The Ballroom Cafe by Ann O'Loughlin - Review
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
I've had this book on my shelves since 2016. Recently Lee and I have been going through all the books again and I've tried to cull ones which I know I won't read. I feel bad - because books! - but I know it's for the best, and I'm going to donate them to a local charity which will sell them at a tombola to raise funds, so that's good.
Anyway as I've been going through the books, I've pulled out ones that I want to read soon. There's a huge pile next to my bed now! This was one of these. I can't remember where I first heard of it, but the premise appealed to me.
The book is set in Ireland in 2008. That confused me slightly, as it wasn't published until several years after that, which put the timelines out somewhat and made things confusing. Two sisters, Ella and Roberta, live in their crumbling family home, a huge mansion house on the edge of a small town where everyone knows everyone else's business. They are both elderly women, and they have not spoken to each other in decades. The house has huge loans on it and the bank are pressuring for repayment.
Ella decides to open a cafe in the house's ballroom. Roberta leaves scathing notes warning her against it, saying that she will bring scandal upon them all and open up old secrets. Ella leaves notes in reply ignorning her sister and saying that she has to make some money somehow.
A lady called Debbie turns up to the house one day. She is American, and after the recent death of her father she has discovered that she was adopted in Ireland. She and Ella become quick friends and Debbie helps to run the cafe. She goes to the convent to try to find answers about her mother, but comes up against closed doors and no answers. She takes to the radio to demand answers, and a dam breaks.
Meanwhile we get to know the tragedies Ella has been through in her life, and what happened between her and Roberta. The cafe is a success, mostly because the post mistress Muriel Hearty and other busybodies of the town are desperate to know what's going on.
I felt like there was a lot of the book that was pretty predictable, and there was just a lot of detail that wasn't needed. It's really oddly written too - totally overwritten and frothy in parts, especially in parts that are really sad and could have used a lighter, more sensitive touch. Then there's other parts that are just totally skated over when more detail is needed. It reads like a romance novel, but really isn't.
There's also quite graphic mention of two suicides, which I felt wasn't needed.
I'm giving this three out of five - despite really wanting to read it, I didn't find it my cup of tea at all.
Anyway as I've been going through the books, I've pulled out ones that I want to read soon. There's a huge pile next to my bed now! This was one of these. I can't remember where I first heard of it, but the premise appealed to me.
The book is set in Ireland in 2008. That confused me slightly, as it wasn't published until several years after that, which put the timelines out somewhat and made things confusing. Two sisters, Ella and Roberta, live in their crumbling family home, a huge mansion house on the edge of a small town where everyone knows everyone else's business. They are both elderly women, and they have not spoken to each other in decades. The house has huge loans on it and the bank are pressuring for repayment.
Ella decides to open a cafe in the house's ballroom. Roberta leaves scathing notes warning her against it, saying that she will bring scandal upon them all and open up old secrets. Ella leaves notes in reply ignorning her sister and saying that she has to make some money somehow.
A lady called Debbie turns up to the house one day. She is American, and after the recent death of her father she has discovered that she was adopted in Ireland. She and Ella become quick friends and Debbie helps to run the cafe. She goes to the convent to try to find answers about her mother, but comes up against closed doors and no answers. She takes to the radio to demand answers, and a dam breaks.
Meanwhile we get to know the tragedies Ella has been through in her life, and what happened between her and Roberta. The cafe is a success, mostly because the post mistress Muriel Hearty and other busybodies of the town are desperate to know what's going on.
I felt like there was a lot of the book that was pretty predictable, and there was just a lot of detail that wasn't needed. It's really oddly written too - totally overwritten and frothy in parts, especially in parts that are really sad and could have used a lighter, more sensitive touch. Then there's other parts that are just totally skated over when more detail is needed. It reads like a romance novel, but really isn't.
There's also quite graphic mention of two suicides, which I felt wasn't needed.
I'm giving this three out of five - despite really wanting to read it, I didn't find it my cup of tea at all.
adult lit,
ann o'loughlin,
ireland based,
Wilder Girls by Rory Power - Review
Monday, February 17, 2020
Where did I get it? Netgalley, so thank you very much to Pan Macmillan for giving me access. I was excited because I had heard so much about this book on Twitter. I actually had it on pre-order last year, but for some reason it got cancelled? I'm not sure if there was a delay in the book or something. But, I'm glad I've got to read it!
What's it about? Hetty is a pupil at a school on Raxter Island, an island off the coast of Maine. It's an all girls school, and the girls and two of their teachers are under quarantine. Eighteen months ago, the Tox spread among them. It is some kind of disease, but it affects each of them differently. Each girl gets "flare ups" of her own particular disease every now and then. There are just two teachers left - just the Headmistress and Miss Welch. Welch is in charge of Boat Shift, three girls who go to the island's pier to pick up food and other supplies from the Navy and Centre for Disease Control. Food and medical supplies are really scarce, and each day when Boat Shift comes back there's a fight for food. Girls die fairly frequently; from a full school there's only around sixty of them left. Plus the island itself has the Tox too - all the animals are wilder, all the plants are poisoned. Hetty has been part of Gun Shift until the start of the back, keeping watch all night with a shotgun to ward off bears and other wild animals. The school has no contact with the outside world. It is basically feral, every girl for herself.
Hetty's best friend is Byatt, who she met on her first day years ago. Hetty's from a naval family and grew up on a base down in Virginia. Byatt is from Boston. They are also friends with Reese, although she is spiky and a little bit cold towards Hetty. Hetty lost the use of one of her eyes because of the Tox, when her eyelids fused together. Reese has glowing hair and a silver, scaly hand. Every girl is disabled in some way by the Tox, and as I said, they haven't all survived.
I found the book compelling but it is very graphic and gory. There's a lot of disease, disability, gore, and blood. I think it's done well in context, but it may not be the right book for you.
What age range is it for? 14+.
Are any main characters LGBTQ+? Yes, but no spoilers.
Are any main characters people of colour? If they are, it isn't mentioned.
Are any main characters disabled either mentally or physically? Yes. There's a lot of pain, disability, post-traumatic stress, health uncertainty, and so on. It may be triggering.
Is there any sex stuff? No
Are drugs mentioned or used? Yes, there's a really intense part with a drug, if you need more details on this please contact me.
Is there any talk of death? Yes, lots.
Are there swear words? A couple.
What criticisms do I have? I enjoyed the book, but I didn't think it was complete enough. It reads to me very much like the first in a trilogy, and doesn't all together work as a standalone. There aren't enough answers. I wanted bigger showdowns with more answers; I wanted to know what happened to the main characters. Maybe it is going to have follow on books, and I would definitely read them, but I do think this needed to be different in order to stand by itself. That isn't to say it's bad, but it felt incomplete to me.
Would I recommend the book? Despite my criticisms, yes! I think it is very compelling and I wanted to keep reading to see what happened.
Why did I choose to read it at this point in life? I have heard rave reviews of it and wanted to see for myself.
What do I think of the cover? I think it's nice, although maybe a little bit stylised - the reality of the Tox is much more gruesome and gory and I feel like the cover could have reflected this a bit more.
What other books is it like? I've seen it described as We Were Liars (which I loved, but wanted to throw out of a window, and which I read before I started this blog) meets The Power. I guess that is a fair explanation of the book, but it doesn't quite get there.
How many stars? Three out of five, although, if there is a follow on book, I may revisit that rating. We shall see!
Wilder Girls was
published on 6th February 2020. I was given a free electronic copy of the novel but was not
compensated in any other way for this post. All thoughts and opinions are my
rory power
The Lantern Men by Elly Griffiths - Review
Friday, February 14, 2020
I requested this book on Netgalley because you know me, I'm a huge fan of Elly Griffiths' books and always like to read them straight away. So many thanks to Quercus books for granting me permission for this book. It is the newest in the Dt Ruth Galloway series and I love returning to Ruth, it always feels like a sit down with a friend.
The book starts a couple of years after the ending of the last book, The Stone Circle, when Ruth has moved to Cambridge to be a lecturer there. She is living with Kate, of course, and Frank, Ruth's boyfriend. Kind of. Ruth is quite reticent to call him that, and even though Frank is a really decent person, he doesn't really set Ruth's heart on fire or anything.
Nelson is still in Norfolk, but his daughters Laura and Rebecca now know that Kate is his daughter and Laura especially is keen to make her part of the family. Baby George is now two years old. Judy and Tanya are still on his team, but Cloughie has moved to Cambridge too to head up his own team, and Nelson really misses him.
Anyway, the previous summer, two bodies were discovered in the back garden of a woman called Chantal. Her boyfriend Ivor was arrested, thanks to forensic evidence on the bodies, and has been found guilty and is now awaiting sentencing. Nelson is convinced he also killed two other women, Nicola and Jenny. The forensic witness in the case was Ruth's ex-boss, Phil, but Ivor says he will talk to Nelson about where the other bodies are if Ruth goes to the prison with him and is the one to carry out the excavation.
Meanwhile the police go back over all the witnesses from before. Ivor lived on something like a commune for a while with a number of other people, one of whom turns out to be a new friend of Ruth's called Crissy. New things come to light and with the discovery of the second set of bones, there's a question mark over Ivor's guilt.
There's also the myth of the Lantern Men on the fens, about a light in the darkness that you follow and end up meeting a sticky end...
I liked the book, I liked Ruth removed from the Norfolk setting even though she ended up going back for the case. I understood why she couldn't quite settle with Frank, and I loved that Kate was a bit older and that her sisters knew about her. Nelson didn't do anything to annoy me, and even though I wouldn't say I liked Clough as a character particularly, I did feel like he was missing from the team and wanted him to come back! I would have liked more Cathbad, but I always say that because I love him so much. The bits he was in were great, though.
I'm sure we will see Ruth again, because the end of the book was very ambiguous. I do wonder what Elly has planned for the end of this series... I can't wait to see!
I was provided with an electronic copy of this book for review purposes, but was not otherwise compensated. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
The book starts a couple of years after the ending of the last book, The Stone Circle, when Ruth has moved to Cambridge to be a lecturer there. She is living with Kate, of course, and Frank, Ruth's boyfriend. Kind of. Ruth is quite reticent to call him that, and even though Frank is a really decent person, he doesn't really set Ruth's heart on fire or anything.
Nelson is still in Norfolk, but his daughters Laura and Rebecca now know that Kate is his daughter and Laura especially is keen to make her part of the family. Baby George is now two years old. Judy and Tanya are still on his team, but Cloughie has moved to Cambridge too to head up his own team, and Nelson really misses him.
Anyway, the previous summer, two bodies were discovered in the back garden of a woman called Chantal. Her boyfriend Ivor was arrested, thanks to forensic evidence on the bodies, and has been found guilty and is now awaiting sentencing. Nelson is convinced he also killed two other women, Nicola and Jenny. The forensic witness in the case was Ruth's ex-boss, Phil, but Ivor says he will talk to Nelson about where the other bodies are if Ruth goes to the prison with him and is the one to carry out the excavation.
Meanwhile the police go back over all the witnesses from before. Ivor lived on something like a commune for a while with a number of other people, one of whom turns out to be a new friend of Ruth's called Crissy. New things come to light and with the discovery of the second set of bones, there's a question mark over Ivor's guilt.
There's also the myth of the Lantern Men on the fens, about a light in the darkness that you follow and end up meeting a sticky end...
I liked the book, I liked Ruth removed from the Norfolk setting even though she ended up going back for the case. I understood why she couldn't quite settle with Frank, and I loved that Kate was a bit older and that her sisters knew about her. Nelson didn't do anything to annoy me, and even though I wouldn't say I liked Clough as a character particularly, I did feel like he was missing from the team and wanted him to come back! I would have liked more Cathbad, but I always say that because I love him so much. The bits he was in were great, though.
I'm sure we will see Ruth again, because the end of the book was very ambiguous. I do wonder what Elly has planned for the end of this series... I can't wait to see!
I was provided with an electronic copy of this book for review purposes, but was not otherwise compensated. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
crime fiction,
elly griffiths,
Second Dad Summer by Benjamin Klas - Review
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Second Dad Summer will be published on the 5th of May 2020 by Red Chair Press/One Elm Books. They kindly granted me an ecopy of the book for review. I was not otherwise compensated for this post and all thoughts and opinions are my own.
I requested this book because I liked the premise: Jeremiah is a kid whose parents are divorced, and he spends every summer with his dad. His dad Al is bisexual, and has just moved into an apartment with his boyfriend, Michael. Jeremiah really doesn't like Michael or how hard he tries to be Jeremiah's friend. He especially doesn't like Michael's bike, which as a unicorn head and lots of streamers and glitter.
Jeremiah's apartment building also contains a grumpy old man called Mr Keeler, who is abusive towards Michael but Michael is kind to him anyway. It turns out that Mr Keeler is gay too, so I have to say I was surprised by the slurs that Mr Keeler throws at Michael. I can believe it would happen, but I would have liked a little bit more explanation about why Mr Keeler is like he is.
Jeremiah makes friends with a girl in a building opposite, a girl called Sage. She doesn't like Mr Keeler because he is very protective of the plants in front of the building, but through the book Jeremiah and Sage become friendly with him. Jeremiah also learns that maybe Michael isn't so bad after all.
This is a really cute chapter book. I think Jeremiah is around eleven or twelve years old, and I would say it is suitable for tweens aged nine to twelve. I liked the diversity within it, I liked how careful people were with each other and how many important conversations happened without the points being laboured.. I am giving this a very solid four out of five; I am looking forward to seeing what this author does next!
benjamin klas,
middle grade
Last Bus to Everland by Sophie Cameron - Review
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Where did I get it? My friend Lucinda bought it for me for my birthday and I decided to pick it up straight away because, along with my Christmas books, I want to read my birthday ones quickly instead of letting them languish on the bookshelf.
What's it about? Brody is sixteen, gay, and lives in a tiny flat in Edinburgh with this mam, dad, older brother Jake and younger sister Keira. His dad is agoraphobic so can't work, his mum is a nurse and is working all shifts to try to make ends meet, but money is still really tight for the family. Brody feels invisible - Jake goes to a private school and is headed for Cambridge, so all their parents' attention goes to him.
Brody is bullied by two girls at school, Leanne and Michelle. At the very beginning of the book, they've kidnapped his cat, Tinker Bell, and are teasing Brody. He (and Tink) are saved by a boy dangling out of a flat window. The boy is wearing huge blue wings, and he comes down to talk to Brody. His name is Nico and he invites Brody along to a meeting place at 11.21pm the following Thursday.
Brody sneaks out and heads there. He meets Nico and his friends Zahra and Kasia, and then something magical happens. A door opens up and when they pass through they're in a wonderful world called Everland. It's magic there, there's always something going on, there's markets to walk round, rivers, a library, parties to attend. There, Brody finally feels like he can be himself. He can drum with a band, he can wear costumes and make up.
Kasia has experience of someone staying in Everland, and she warns Brody to be careful, to think about when he'll never come back again, but Brody is falling in love with Nico, his real life sucks, and Everland is so alluring...
I found this to be such a good book. I wasn't sure what I thought of it to begin with. I loved Everland, though. It sort of reminded me of the Enid Blyton books about the Magic Faraway Tree, where you were never sure what land would be at the top of the tree, and where you had limited time to leave, or get stuck. I'm not a big reader of fantasy but this was perfect - a contemporary setting with fantasy slipped in as if it was perfectly normal. I loved Brody a lot; I really felt for him and understood where he was coming from, but I also loved the cast of characters around too. I'm so glad Lucinda bought this for me because I probably wouldn't have picked it up for myself but I loved it. There's a lot about modern life, modern struggles, modern familes, but with this beautiful fantasy place - don't all struggling teens wish they had a place to escape to?
What age range is it for? 13+
Are any main characters LGBTQ+? Yeah, Brody is gay, although he's still closeted - except in Everland, and to his friend Megan.
Are any main characters people of colour? Yes, although it's not really a plot strand.
Are any main characters disabled either mentally or physically? Yes, Brody's dad is agoraphobic. I loved how this was portrayed: sensitively, realistically, painfully. Brody is often angry with his dad even though he knows it's not his fault, and I felt like this was incredibly well written and realistic. The reader understood why Dad was ill, and that he was ill and couldn't help it, but also felt for Brody too. I hope that makes sense - there's no shaming of Brody's dad being ill, it's understood that it's an illness like any other. Brody is very understanding, but does get frustrated sometimes, which is a symptom of every other shitty thing in his life.
Is there any sex stuff? No
Are drugs mentioned or used? No I don't think so, maybe a few mentions
Is there any talk of death? Some, it's not graphic.
Are there swear words? A few
What criticisms do I have? Almost none. I loved the world this was set in, I loved Brody and his family. The only thing I would say is that I wish Brody had confided in adults more - but that's because I'm an adult, not a teenager, I'm sure!
Would I recommend the book? Yes absolutely. Even if you don't like fantasy, take a chance.
Why did I choose to read it at this point in life? Like I said, I just wanted to read my birthday books soon!
What do I think of the cover? It's cute isn't it! Pink and black is so eye catching, I love it!
What other books is it like? It is for me like some unholy crossover of Alex in Wonderland and The Maze Runner (which I read before I started this blog). Obviously it's much less dystopian than The Maze Runner, but the existence of a world other than the one that the protagonist is in really seemed like it. Plus the door was only open once a week... it just had that vibe of this world and another, one which is unknown and confusing.
How many stars? Five out of five.
Where is the book going now? I will definitely keep it!
sophie cameron,
UK based,
young adult
Big Girl Small Town by Michelle Gallen
Thursday, February 6, 2020
I saw this book while browsing Netgalley and was intrigued by the premise. I was granted access, and then I saw Nicola Coughlan, who plays Clare in Derry Girls, say that she was narrating the audiobook. I immediately put the book to the top of my mental to read list, and picked this up in the middle of January. I was away for my birthday and find it easier to read on my tablet while away on holiday.
The book is set in the early noughties and is about a young woman called Majella, who lives in a small town on the Northern Irish border with her ma, Nuala. Majella is clearly autistic, although not, as it's mentioned, diagnosed as such. She works in the chip shop in the small town, six days a week, alongside Marty. She gets free food when the shop shuts, she goes home, eats her food, deals with her drunken mother, and goes to bed. She and Marty sometimes have sex. She has lists of bad things - small talk, the flickering light in the shop - and lists of good things. She treats herself to a new duvet.
Her da disappeared quite a few years ago when Majella was a child, after the death of her uncle Bobby. Bobby was an IRA member and her dad never recovered, so disappeared. Her grandma lives on a farm up by the border, but at the beginning of the book she's been murdered. The book is in no way linear so we don't get really the story of what happened to her grandma, but we do understand how Majella feels about it and about her grandma.
Her mum is clearly an alcoholic and there's lots of stuff around this, which may be triggering for some readers. Majella doesn't seem to cope very well. She very much seems autistic and flicks her fingers and rocks as coping mechanisms. There's some sexual content and some graphic violence too.
I wouldn't say Majella is an altogether likeable character, but I did like her. I felt like I understood her, and I felt like she was sympathetic in her cloistered, claustrophobic life. The non-linear structure means that there were loads of things that I wanted to know still at the end of the book, but I quite liked that.
The styling of the novel is a bit odd and took me a while to get into. There's no speech marks, which will get it compared to Normal People by Sally Rooney, I'm sure, but speech is set out enough for you to understand who is speaking. There's also names not capitalised, and other words capitalised for apparently no reason, but I liked this and thought it added to who Majella is as a person. The book will be compared to Milkman by Anna Burns, which I personally truggled to get into, but I guess the comparison is fair especially given the subject matter and setting.
I'm giving this book four out of five - I really enjoyed it and am glad I read it! I hope the author does some more fantastic things in the future.
Big Girl Small Town is published by John Murray Press, so many thanks to them for granting me access to this book and giving me the chance to review it. The book will be published on the 20th of February 2020. I was given an ecopy of this book for review, but was not otherwise compensated. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
The book is set in the early noughties and is about a young woman called Majella, who lives in a small town on the Northern Irish border with her ma, Nuala. Majella is clearly autistic, although not, as it's mentioned, diagnosed as such. She works in the chip shop in the small town, six days a week, alongside Marty. She gets free food when the shop shuts, she goes home, eats her food, deals with her drunken mother, and goes to bed. She and Marty sometimes have sex. She has lists of bad things - small talk, the flickering light in the shop - and lists of good things. She treats herself to a new duvet.
Her da disappeared quite a few years ago when Majella was a child, after the death of her uncle Bobby. Bobby was an IRA member and her dad never recovered, so disappeared. Her grandma lives on a farm up by the border, but at the beginning of the book she's been murdered. The book is in no way linear so we don't get really the story of what happened to her grandma, but we do understand how Majella feels about it and about her grandma.
Her mum is clearly an alcoholic and there's lots of stuff around this, which may be triggering for some readers. Majella doesn't seem to cope very well. She very much seems autistic and flicks her fingers and rocks as coping mechanisms. There's some sexual content and some graphic violence too.
I wouldn't say Majella is an altogether likeable character, but I did like her. I felt like I understood her, and I felt like she was sympathetic in her cloistered, claustrophobic life. The non-linear structure means that there were loads of things that I wanted to know still at the end of the book, but I quite liked that.
The styling of the novel is a bit odd and took me a while to get into. There's no speech marks, which will get it compared to Normal People by Sally Rooney, I'm sure, but speech is set out enough for you to understand who is speaking. There's also names not capitalised, and other words capitalised for apparently no reason, but I liked this and thought it added to who Majella is as a person. The book will be compared to Milkman by Anna Burns, which I personally truggled to get into, but I guess the comparison is fair especially given the subject matter and setting.
I'm giving this book four out of five - I really enjoyed it and am glad I read it! I hope the author does some more fantastic things in the future.
Big Girl Small Town is published by John Murray Press, so many thanks to them for granting me access to this book and giving me the chance to review it. The book will be published on the 20th of February 2020. I was given an ecopy of this book for review, but was not otherwise compensated. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Where did I get it? My BFF Sam bought it for me for Christmas, she said to let her know if there was anything particular I wanted and I said this.
What's it about? Emoni is seventeen and in her last year of high school in Philadelphia. She has a lot going on in her life. She had a baby, Emma, better known as Babygirl, when she was fifteen. She lives with her grandmother, 'Buela (short for abuela, meaning grandma), as her mum died when she was born, and her dad, Julio, lives in Puerto Rico where he grew up. Babygirl has to start daycare because 'Buela wants to look after her less (which she's entitled to do!), at the same time that Emoni starts her senior year.
Emoni doesn't really trust boys since what happened with Babygirl's dad, Tyrone. So when there's a new boy at school, Malachi, she tries to keep him at arm's length. She tells him they're not even friends. She has enough going on in her life.
Emoni loves to cook. She was taught by 'Buela but she also has magic in her hands and cooks amazing dishes, especially dishes that remind 'Buela of living on the island. So when there's a new cooking elective at school, she really wants to do it. It also includes a trip to Spain, meaning Emoni will need to fundraise hard to have enough money to go.
She starts the class - which Malachi is also in - and soon comes up against Chef Ayden because she keeps putting her own spin on dishes instead of following the instructions. Plus 'Buela is keeping her own secrets, and Emoni is trying to just make it through.
The book encompasses an awful lot of time in Emoni's senior year, and a LOT happens. There's loads of lovely things, some difficult things, some heartbreaking things. I LOVED the book. I loved Emoni, I loved everything she had been through with her pregnancy, I loved how she dealt with Babygirl and Tyrone. I loved her BFF Angelica, who is gay and dating a girl called Laura (Emoni cooks for them!). I loved the school setting. I loved Malachi, who was just gorgeous. I loved 'Buela and everything she did for Emoni and Babygirl and also all the cooking the two women shared. I liked The Poet X, but I LOVED this. It was, for me, close to a perfect book.
What age range is it for? 14+
Are any main characters LGBTQ+? Yes, Angelica is, I guess she's not a main focus of the book but I liked how she was just there. She's a fabulous friend.
Are any main characters people of colour? Yep! Nearly everyone! Emoni talks a lot about being Afro-Puerto Rican and what that means to her. Malachi is very dark skinned and asks Emoni about her ethnicity, which I really liked as a conversation. There's a lot about Puerto Rico that I didn't know, so I really enjoyed that. It's fab.
Are any main characters disabled either mentally or physically? No
Is there any sex stuff? Yes, there's quite a bit and I would say it is quite explicit
Are drugs mentioned or used? I think there might be a mention but that's it.
Is there any talk of death? A little bit. Emoni's mother died in childbirth with her and this is described a little.
Are there swear words? Yep.
What criticisms do I have? Gosh almost none. There were a couple of times where I felt time skipped oddly, but I understood by the end that there was just so much to fit in, so it made sense. But it was a little jarring at times.
Would I recommend the book? Yes absolutely. Acevedo is an author to definitely keep an eye on.
Why did I choose to read it at this point in life? I'm still trying to read all my Christmas books straight away, and I actually finished this in the middle of January but have spaced my blog posts to now.
What do I think of the cover? I love it! It's Emoni with her hair up ready to cook.
What other books is it like? It's like The Poet X, but it's also like Belly Up by Eva Darrows which I also really liked.
How many stars? Five out of five. Like I said, it's almost perfect.
Where is the book going now? I will most definitely keep it!
BAME authors,
BAME characters,
elizabeth acevedo,
young adult
Three Daughters of Eve by Elif Shafak - Review
Saturday, February 1, 2020
This book is for my book club, so I bought it off eBay over Christmas. I'm determined to attend more meetings this year and to persevere with the books so that I can talk about them, even if I don't particularly like them. The point of book club for me - apart from a social one - is very much to push me out of my comfort zone by making me read books that I wouldn't otherwise pick up. And this indeed is a book that I wouldn't have ever picked up.
Lynn had read this book before so this was her choice for January. It's about a woman called Peri and has a dual narrative set both now, in 2016, and in the past, in Peri's teens and early 20s.
In the 2016 narrative she is in her mid 30s, living in Istanbul where she grew up, and married to Adna. She is in the car with her daughter Deniz one evening, heading to a party, when her handbag is taken from the back of her car. She pulls up and sets off after the thieves. She confronts a tramp, who upends her bag and attacks her. Her daughter saves her and the two pick up some of her belongings, including a Polaroid photo of Peri, two other girls, and a man.
In the 2000 narrative, Peri is at university in Oxford. She has had a somewhat interesting chilhood in Istanbul, caught between her parents. Her mother is a devout Muslim, but her father is more secular. He smokes and drinks, and never prays. The two of them often fall out. Peri's older brother goes to prison for being a radical. Mensur, Peri's dad, makes plans for her to go to Oxford and she does. There she meets Shirin, an Iranian girl who thinks Muslim women should never wear hijab, and is encouraged by her to take a particular seminar taught by a man called Azur. It is about God, and Peri feels both the lure of talking about religion and of Azur himself.
In the class she also gets friendly with Mona, who wears hijab. She and Shirin are the other two girls in the photo with Peri and Azur. The September 11th hijackings happen which changes how the women are treated in Oxford.
Meanwhile back in 2016 Peri heads to a party held by her friends, although she feels like an outsider. Her friends are never written about by name but are called "the businessman", "the CEO" and so on. She borrows Adnan's phone to speak to her mother and ask for Shirin's number.
It's obvious there's some kind of scandal that happened back in 2002 in Oxford, but it's not clear what until very near the end. And honestly, I didn't think the pay off was worth it. It took me ages to get into the book - honestly I was about halfway through before I was really gripped - and then I felt there was a lot of beginning and not enough ending. I didn't like it very much even though I really liked Peri and understood where she was coming from religiously and ethically, even though I didn't fully understand her. I wouldn't say I loved the book, and I'll be interested to see what others thought of it. I'm giving it three out of five.
Lynn had read this book before so this was her choice for January. It's about a woman called Peri and has a dual narrative set both now, in 2016, and in the past, in Peri's teens and early 20s.
In the 2016 narrative she is in her mid 30s, living in Istanbul where she grew up, and married to Adna. She is in the car with her daughter Deniz one evening, heading to a party, when her handbag is taken from the back of her car. She pulls up and sets off after the thieves. She confronts a tramp, who upends her bag and attacks her. Her daughter saves her and the two pick up some of her belongings, including a Polaroid photo of Peri, two other girls, and a man.
In the 2000 narrative, Peri is at university in Oxford. She has had a somewhat interesting chilhood in Istanbul, caught between her parents. Her mother is a devout Muslim, but her father is more secular. He smokes and drinks, and never prays. The two of them often fall out. Peri's older brother goes to prison for being a radical. Mensur, Peri's dad, makes plans for her to go to Oxford and she does. There she meets Shirin, an Iranian girl who thinks Muslim women should never wear hijab, and is encouraged by her to take a particular seminar taught by a man called Azur. It is about God, and Peri feels both the lure of talking about religion and of Azur himself.
In the class she also gets friendly with Mona, who wears hijab. She and Shirin are the other two girls in the photo with Peri and Azur. The September 11th hijackings happen which changes how the women are treated in Oxford.
Meanwhile back in 2016 Peri heads to a party held by her friends, although she feels like an outsider. Her friends are never written about by name but are called "the businessman", "the CEO" and so on. She borrows Adnan's phone to speak to her mother and ask for Shirin's number.
It's obvious there's some kind of scandal that happened back in 2002 in Oxford, but it's not clear what until very near the end. And honestly, I didn't think the pay off was worth it. It took me ages to get into the book - honestly I was about halfway through before I was really gripped - and then I felt there was a lot of beginning and not enough ending. I didn't like it very much even though I really liked Peri and understood where she was coming from religiously and ethically, even though I didn't fully understand her. I wouldn't say I loved the book, and I'll be interested to see what others thought of it. I'm giving it three out of five.
BAME authors,
BAME characters,
elif shafak,
turkey based
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