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The Case of the Drowned Pearl by Robin Stevens - Review

Monday, March 9, 2020

Another day, another Robin Stevens post! Honestly I should just set myself up as the ultimate fangirl, shouldn't I? This book is a tiny mystery written for World Book Day. I ordered it ages ago and it arrived just before World Book Day, and I obviously picked it up straight away because I really need more Daisy and Hazel in my life. I miss them! I'm not ready for the series to finish in the summer!

Hazel and Daisy are on holiday at the seaside, with George and Alex, the Junior Pinkertons, and Daisy's uncle Felix and aunt Lucy. Hazel is imagining the seaside will be like it is in Hong Kong, with warm water and soft white sand, but of course English seaside is very very different. It's cold, and it rains, and you usually cannot swim in the sea.

In their hotel an Olympic swimmer called Antonia is staying. On their first night in the hotel, Daisy and Hazel overhear an argument between her and some other people. They have to go to bed, but Daisy insists that everyone gets up early in the morning to go for a swim.

The four detectives head out around 7am but before they can start swimming they find a body. Antonia's body. She is dressed in her swimming things, but when the detectives get close to her, Alex can smell that she smells of soap, like she is clean from the bath, and not of the sea, as if she has been swimming and drowned.

Daisy and Hazel have to race to find out what happened to Antonia, and of course they do, because they are both brilliant. I felt like this was a cute little mystery and I liked the resolution. I hope plenty of kids pick this up for World Book Day!

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