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The Idle Stance of the Tippler Pigeon by Safinah Danish Elahi - Review and Blog Tour

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Hello and welcome to my blog for my stop on the tour for The Idle Stance of the Tippler Pigeon by Safinah Danish Elahi! It is a pleasure to welcome you here. Please do click around and read some of my other reviews. I was intrigued by the premise of this book and am glad I signed up for the tour because I really liked it. 

The novel has three protagonists: Zohaib, his younger sister Misha, and Nadia. Zohaib and Misha grew up in relative wealth in Lahore, and Nadia was the daughter of one of their maids. She is between the two of them in age, and while they're friendly and while Misha and she often act like sisters, obviously there is a class difference between them and always will be. 

Misha's parts are in the past, when she was just a little girl of about eight. She is a spoilt child, but loved by her parents and family. Hers is a mostly easy childhood, coddled by her family. 

In the present time, Zohaib and Nadia are living lives literally and metaphorically thousands of miles apart. Zohaib is living in London. He has a friend, Talha, and a therapist that he sees often. He's about twenty six at this point I think. Talha is often worried about him and asks him to go trekking in Peru with him. Zohaib has mental health problems and clearly has a lot of past trauma. He is no longer close to his parents, who are now divorced, but both still in Pakistan. 

Nadia, also known as Nono, is living in poverty. She has an office job that she loves, but her husband is a drug addict and is out of work. She's pregnant and is sexually harassed by men in her office. She fears for the future and eventually heads back to her childhood home. 

It was obvious something bad had happened but I didn't guess what, which I did like, although I didn't guess exactly what. I really liked the setting of the book and could imagine the family home perfectly. I really liked Nadia as a character and wanted her to do really well. In all i'm giving this four out of five and am glad I joined in the tour for it!

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