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Year in Review - 2018

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Here's my round up of books read in 2018. It was a good year for reading, but I don't feel I read anything that completely wowed me like I have in previous years. I did read some great stuff, though!

How many books read in 2018?
80. Goodreads has me at 81, but I think there's a mistake there with something I didn't finish.

How many were on paper and how many electronic?
I read 47 paperbacks, twelve hardbacks, and the rest were ebooks. 

Fiction/Non-Fiction ratio?
79:1, apparently. The only non fiction book I read was Clampdown by my friend Rhian. 

Male/Female authors?
I read 8 books by men and two that were co-authored by men. Most of the men I read were queer men. I'm happy with this ratio, I like to support women writers. 

Most books by a single author?
Robin Stevens, I think. I read two Wells and Wong books this year. Oh, I read three Elly Griffiths books! And two Catherine Johnson books. 

Favourite book(s) read?
I loved The Summer of Jordi Perez by Amy Spalding and The Last by Hanna Jameson. 

Least favourite?
There were a couple of books I didn't finish, but I don't review those unless I have a huge problem with them. I also read a book set in Ireland that I found really tough, but I don't think I reviewed that either. 

Oldest book read?
I think it was probably Little Boy Lost by Marghanita Laski, which I also really liked even though it's not my usual kind of thing. It was published in 1949. 

There are some books I read through Netgalley that aren't yet out. I do try to say when something will be published if it isn't yet out. I don't always remember, but I do try!

Longest book title?
It's got to be The Summer of Jordi Perez (and the Best Burgers in Los Angeles). Although Oh My God What A Complete Aisling is a close second, and Dress Codes for Small Towns is probably up there too. 

Shortest title?
The Baby by Lisa Drakeford, or The Last by Hanna Jameson, or The Lido by Libby Page. 

How many re-reads?
Just one - The Future Homemakers of America, which was exactly as good as I remembered it being. 

Any in translation?

How many of this year's books were from the library?
As far as I can remember, seven of them, and all of those were after I started going to my craft club in May. I am keeping a better track of these for 2019! 

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